Yesterday was a rest day, but we used the free time to scout out some new trails on foot. We have been trying to find trails that are long enough, but not too long, flat enough without too many giant hills and that are close enough we can get to them quickly. Thus far the Cary Greenway system has been just about perfect. Today we headed out to a new trail, the White Oak Creek Greenway.
The trail head is in a park and immediately gave us the choice of right or left. We tried right and discovered this part of the trail is a slight grade uphill. Also it was not very long. It meanders behind several housing communities and actually ends right up against a welcome center for one. After hoofing it up the final hill, we took a quick break and then mounted back up for the quick ride back down. This is one of the pros for hoofing it up the hills that are too much for me and my 3 speed, the joy of even a slight hill. It's always exhilarating and usually a smidge scary since my braking system is...shall we say lacking. This little hill made it a breeze and before long we were back at the trailhead we started on. We decided to go the opposite direction. This trail passes across several roads, none of which were too busy as they are in residential areas. Again the trail was relatively flat. After hearing several remarks and feeling the burn first hand in my thighs, I'm pretty sure my seat is a bit low. Basically my knees are hitting my arms every time I pedal. I also suspect it is adjusted a bit too far forward as I find myself constantly adjusting in order to keep the balls of my feet on the pedals.
After several more minutes, the trail begins to get a bit more woodsy. We stopped for a water break and (of course) pictures in an area that was pretty swampy/wetlands-ish. After a few minutes we decided to keep going. My thighs generally dictate the length of the ride, or rather my tolerance for pain in my thighs, I guess. The trail feel much more uphill at this point and rounding a corner we come to a rather formidible (for me) looking hill. Llama has by this point figured out the best way to use her 12 speeds to her advantage. Well, that and she's in much better shape than I am. I made it partway up the hill and the hopped off and puffed my way up to where Llama was waiting. The downhill was so fast my eyes were watering and as it was pretty cold today I felt like my tears were freezing onto my face. Man, was it fun to go flying down that hill!
By this point my thighs were basically screaming constantly so we decided we should turn back soon. And then I got distracted by what looked like a pretty long bridge. It was a raised wooden walkway and who can resist riding over that? Just as we reached the other side, we spot another up ahead--and I figured, well, what the hell it's just a little further. So we crossed that one. And then right ahead of us maybe 100 yards, it looks like the end of the trail. I had no idea we had come this far out. I had no intention of going this far. We went the extra yards just to complete the trail.
I was a little worried about making it back due to my aching thighs, but we got going and I just had to take my foot off the pedal and stretch my leg a lot more. Interestingly, it's usually only my right thigh that hurts constantly and intensely. After hiking up the big hill again, I was determined to use as much downhill momentum as possible to my advantage. I pedalled slowly a few times and then shifted up into my "high" gear--big number 3, watch out. By the bottom of the hill, my stupid right thigh hurt so much I wanted to cry, but I just whined a bit and tried to keep going. While I was still coasting, my gears decided to temporarily abandon me and the sudden lack or resistance almost sent me teeth first into my handlebars and that was a bit scary. So now, here I was, slowly cranking my way back to the truck thinking about how far it was and wanting to cry like a baby about my sore thigh. Llama, as always was encouraging, but this time she just went a bit ahead of me and left me to myself. I alternated with pedal, pedal, pedal, as hard as I could and then coasting and stretching my stupid leg. I did get off and walk maybe 100 yards before one of the road crossings, but mostly I just pedalled very slowly, occasionally whining out loud about my dumb leg. And then before I knew it we were back. I took several minutes, after loading the bikes, to stretch my legs and, boy, did that feel good.
As soon as we got back I was anxious to see how far we had gone. I felt longer than Black Creek. And wow was it. We went almost 7.5 miles today! I felt so good about seeing that number. Sure I wore out, but I went a lot further than we usually do. And I only walked up 2 little hills and a little bit before that road. Yes, I am tired and sore. Yes, I was mad at my leg for the last 1/4 of the ride. But 7.5 feels damn good. Now if I can just fix my seat...
10 years ago
Raising your seat height will probably make a big difference. On my old bike I had the seat low enough that I could touch the ground while sitting on the bike because that's how I felt safe. When we bought our new bikes I did tons of research on everything and found out why my legs and butt hurt - low seat height. First I learned how to start and stop correctly by watching the video on this page:
Then I raised my seat to the correct height so that I could almost straighten my legs and I couldn't believe the difference. Yesterday I raised my daughter's seat nearly 2 inches and she said it felt much better. Today she went up a hill that she usually dreads with very little effort. I hope it works for you!